Japanese Nakajima KO-4 (Nieuport 29) Airspeed Indicator Display by Ron Cole


The Nieuport 29 was selected by the Japanese Army to replace the Spad XIII and Ni.24 which equipped the fighter units. In year 1923, one machine was bought in France. The NiD-29 was built under license by Nakajima firm which produced 608 machines. This type was called Ko-4 by Japanese. The Hiko Rentai (Air regiments) 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 were equipped with Ko-4. Fighter units with Ko-4 took part in the invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and 1932. A lot of fighter schools were equipped with Ko-4 in 1937.

The Japanese were still reliant upon imported parts at this stage of their aviation development (though not for long). Japanese-built KO-4s utilized French-made instruments, including this Anemometre (airspeed gauge) made in Paris and dated 1922. The instrument is complete; sticky, but still responds to air pressure. 

This display is 10x12-inches, is one of a kind. 

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